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Reform of the planning system - Planning and Infrastructure Bill published

The Planning and Infrastructure Bill 2025 ("the Bill") and its much-heralded aim of creating the biggest building boom in a generation was published at 13:43 today. 

The Bill is informed by a series of working papers published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on streamlining planning decisions and includes:

  • introduction of a national scheme of delegation for planning committees, 
  • re-introduction of spatial planning, and 
  • reform of Compulsory Purchaser powers including the removal of hope value and delegation of decision taking to Inspectors, Mayors or Council.

The re-introduction of spatial planning has already been welcomed by the housing sector.  These measures will be developed alongside plans for the proposed re-organisation of local government.

Further analysis of the measures and how these will impact on our client's development ambitions to follow.

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