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Contracting authorities: Are you ready for your PFI Expiry Health Check?

Guidance has just been issued by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority setting out the approach to proposed expiry health checks (EHCs).  This follows the IPA's PFI Expiry Guidance that expiry preparations should commence 7 years prior to expiry of PFI projects.  

EHCs are being offered for just following the 7, 5, and 3 year points prior to expiry and will involve a review of project documents, a questionnaire and structured interview.  The aim of the reviews will be to establish readiness for expiry allocating a five-tier RAG rating.  For contracting authorities where projects fall into the Red or Red/Amber category further engagement will be required and they will be subject to an 'assurance of action review'.

Devonshires can assist and support contracting authorities in preparing for their EHCs and responding to evaluations of readiness for contract expiry.

Guidance A Guide to PFI Expiry Health Checks A guide for contracting authorities preparing for a PFI Expiry Health Check undertaken by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority

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real estate & projects, joint ventures, pfi, public services, property management, procurement, facilities management, asset management, investors, local government, government, nhs bodies, public sector