2/12/2025 4:22:04 PM Breaking news - Top-up package announced for Affordable Housing funding programme(s) By Ben Halsey Additional funding has been announced in respect of the existing Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) - £300m for the delivery of up to 2,800...
12/18/2024 10:18:10 AM Homes England publishes ‘clearance’ database of Section 106 affordable housing sites By Ben Halsey Triya Maicha Jonathan Corris Jonathan Jarvis +1 more... Show less Homes England (HE) has now made available the Section 106 Affordable Housing Clearing Service, which is a database (or what some are...
10/2/2024 2:24:15 PM PFI Expiry - But what about NHS LIFT? By Caroline Mostowfi Much has been written over the last 12 months or so stressing the need to take positive action in preparation for the expiry of...
8/23/2024 9:24:30 AM How does an internal investigation affect an inquest? By Samantha Grix Narin Masera After having recently represented a Registered Provider of Social Housing (RP) during an inquest following the death of one of their...
6/3/2024 3:43:23 PM New UK legislation to compensate victims of Push Payment scams By Matthew Garbutt Authorised Push Payment ("APP") fraud occurs when fraudsters trick individuals or businesses into authorising a payment to an account...
5/7/2024 3:19:38 PM Government Consultation on 2014 Health and Social Care Regulations Opens By Narin Masera On 26 April 2024, the Government opened their consultation (the Consultation) on whether to remove the expiry date of the Health and...
4/22/2024 2:58:18 PM Inquests and Registered Providers of Social Housing; what to do when your organisation is involved in an inquest? By Narin Masera Samantha Grix An inquest into the death of an individual is held where the cause of death was due to unnatural circumstances. Sadly, these occur all...
4/3/2024 8:46:07 AM Procurement Act 2023: New draft Procurement Regulations and Guidance published By Kris Kelliher Following its consultation process the Government has now published the draft Procurement Regulations 2024 implementing certain aspects...
11/7/2023 11:56:16 AM The new Provider Selection Regime for the procurement of health care services By Kris Kelliher After two years of waiting and two consultation exercises, the draft Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023...
7/20/2023 1:00:24 PM Contracting authorities: Are you ready for your PFI Expiry Health Check? By Caroline Mostowfi Guidance has just been issued by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority setting out the approach to proposed expiry health checks...