3/25/2025 2:08:17 PM Treasury announces additional £2 Billion Investment in Affordable Housing By Ben Halsey Triya Maicha Jonathan Jarvis Another day, another ‘once in a generation’ announcement, but the latest significant boost to existing grant funding has, for the most...
2/25/2025 1:18:20 PM The one about the Moths, the Mansion, and Misrepresentation - Iva Patarkatsishvili & Yevhen Hunyak v William Woodward-Fisher [2025] EWHC 265 (Ch) By Ben Halsey Stavrina Tofallis Judgment has now been handed down by the High Court in the above case: Judiciary.uk Aside from representing a unique opportunity for...
2/12/2025 4:22:04 PM Breaking news - Top-up package announced for Affordable Housing funding programme(s) By Ben Halsey Additional funding has been announced in respect of the existing Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) - £300m for the delivery of up to 2,800...
2/10/2025 10:13:15 AM Simplified disclosure regime for low denomination bond issuances By Rachel Dros Julian Barker Alice Overton Rachel Orgill-Harris +1 more... Show less The FCA is proposing to simplify prospectus disclosure requirements for non-equity securities by creating a single disclosure standard,...
12/18/2024 10:18:10 AM Homes England publishes ‘clearance’ database of Section 106 affordable housing sites By Ben Halsey Triya Maicha Jonathan Corris Jonathan Jarvis +1 more... Show less Homes England (HE) has now made available the Section 106 Affordable Housing Clearing Service, which is a database (or what some are...
11/27/2024 2:45:41 PM Considerations for Bond Issuers: Inside Information By Alice Overton Julian Barker Rachel Orgill-Harris Rachel Dros +1 more... Show less The UK Market Abuse Regulation (UK MAR) is designed to ensure a level playing field for investors and reduce the risk of distortion and...
11/8/2024 2:01:35 PM Clock ticking on the "Failure to Prevent Fraud" Offence By Matthew Garbutt "Preparing "reasonable procedures" is now essential for businesses to mitigate risk under the new offence - proactive steps today will...
10/21/2024 2:27:03 PM Loans to social housing providers backed by National Wealth Fund guarantees By Rachel Dros Alice Overton Rachel Orgill-Harris In recent months there have been loud and numerous calls for innovative finance models to be developed in order to release funding for...
10/14/2024 10:12:08 AM Proposed changes to co-operative and community benefit society law – further thought needed? By Gemma Bell The Law Commission (sponsored by HM Treasury) has undertaken a review of the key piece of legislation governing co-operative and...
10/2/2024 2:24:15 PM PFI Expiry - But what about NHS LIFT? By Caroline Mostowfi Much has been written over the last 12 months or so stressing the need to take positive action in preparation for the expiry of...
8/9/2024 11:13:44 AM The proposed new UK Prospectus regime – key forthcoming changes for housing association bond issuers By Rachel Orgill-Harris Michelle Pascua The publication of the FCA’s proposed new rules for admission to trading on regulated UK markets has been long-awaited and eagerly...
7/9/2024 10:31:18 AM Key Points from the First Round of Consumer Gradings By Sharon Thandi Today the Regulator of Social Housing (the Regulator) has published its first round of consumer gradings for Registered Providers (RPs)...