2/27/2025 9:55:08 AM The difference between the director duty to avoid conflicts of interest and a director declaring interested transactions under the Companies Act 2006 By Prasan Modasia Directors of a company have legal duties designed to ensure that they act in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. Two...
11/27/2024 2:45:41 PM Considerations for Bond Issuers: Inside Information By Alice Overton Julian Barker Rachel Orgill-Harris Rachel Dros +1 more... Show less The UK Market Abuse Regulation (UK MAR) is designed to ensure a level playing field for investors and reduce the risk of distortion and...
10/31/2024 11:51:03 AM Key Messages and Learning Points from the Regulation and Governance Conference By Charlotte Greatorex I was delighted to be able to join social housing board members and governance and risk professionals at the Inside Housing Regulation...
10/17/2024 3:32:17 PM 2024 Regulator of Social Housing Sector Risk Profile: Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) By Nikki Bowker Matthew Garbutt Victoria Smith Rachel Orgill-Harris +1 more... Show less The Sector Risk Profile (SRP) released today continues to highlight fraud as a key risk for the social housing sector. The SRP this year...
10/14/2024 10:12:08 AM Proposed changes to co-operative and community benefit society law – further thought needed? By Gemma Bell The Law Commission (sponsored by HM Treasury) has undertaken a review of the key piece of legislation governing co-operative and...
9/12/2024 12:10:49 PM High Risk Buildings: Security Considerations By Charlotte Ingram Rachel Dros The horror of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower continues to reverberate throughout the social housing sector, as we soberly digest the...
8/23/2024 9:24:30 AM How does an internal investigation affect an inquest? By Samantha Grix Narin Masera After having recently represented a Registered Provider of Social Housing (RP) during an inquest following the death of one of their...
8/1/2024 10:03:24 AM Housing Ombudsman launches Call for Evidence for new report on housing maintenance By Donna McCarthy Kerri Harrison Victoria Smith On 1 August 2024, the Housing Ombudsman (the ‘HO’) launched a ‘Call for Evidence’ to inform its next Spotlight report. The report is...
7/29/2024 4:29:16 PM The New UK Listing Rules – Key changes for housing association bond issuers By Michelle Pascua Rachel Orgill-Harris The Listing Rules previously set out the mandatory standards for any company wishing to list its shares or securities on the main market...
7/24/2024 3:41:02 PM New Shared Ownership affordability guidance: Are you ready for 31 July? By Narin Masera Samantha Grix On 31 July 2024, the transitional period for implementation of the updated Affordability Guidance for shared ownership in Part 6B of the...
7/24/2024 1:41:50 PM Consumer Duty: days to go! By Alice Overton With just a week to go until the final deadline for implementation of the final stage of the FCA's Consumer Duty, here is a reminder of...
7/23/2024 10:51:46 AM Housing Ombudsman and Regulator of Social Housing publish a new Memorandum of Understanding By Victoria Smith Samantha Grix Earlier this month the Housing Ombudsman (the Ombudsman) and Regulator of Social Housing (the Regulator) published their new Memorandum...